
Introducing New Dashboard

Hello team,

I am facing problem as i can not select currency on buy order page. Can you guys let me know what i am doing doing wrong? Please check attached files.

Thank you

Mildred Delgado 18 Jan, 2020
It would be great if you send me itiam ut neque in magna porttitor...

Hello team,

I am facing problem as i can not select currency on buy order page. Can you guys let me know what i am doing doing wrong? Please check attached files.

Thank you

Abu Bin Ishtiyak 20 Jan, 2020
It would be great if you send me itiam ut neque in magna porttitor...

Hello team,

I am facing problem as i can not select currency on buy order page. Can you guys let me know what i am doing doing wrong? Please check attached files.

Thank you